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ISSN: 2675-8938

GEPOM Journal is a semiannual online journal linked to GEPOM (Group of Studies and Research on the Middle East), an intellectual cooperative dedicated to research, aiming to publish critical review articles, results from empirical, experimental or conceptual studies on topics related to culture, history, literature, economics, religion, and geopolitics from the perspective of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts, Languages and related areas, as well as stimulating new discussions on topics relevant to a better understanding of the Middle East, North Africa and underlying regions like the South Caucasus in general. In this way, we exchange experiences with researchers from national or foreign institutions, always having as guiding element respect for the principles of pluralism of philosophical, political and scientific ideas. Thus, fulfilling the role of disseminating and socializing knowledge. The articles are available free of charge, with continuous call.

The submission of originals can be sent by students at master level, masters, doctoral students, doctors, post-doctoral students, or post-doctoral researchers; in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French, provided that the originals have already been proofread for orthography. Graduating students will be able to publish, provided there is the supervision of a master teacher or doctor. There cannot yet be more than one article under the supervision of the same professor.

The submission must be sent by e-mail to, following the rules for publication.

Open Access Policy:

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle of providing knowledge to the public, free of charge, for greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

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