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with Najad Khouri and Marcelo Simas

CLASS 1: Rise and Fall of oil: 1859-2020

CLASS 2: History of Saudi Aramco

CLASS 3: Brazil: Great Global Player

CLASS 4: Current Geopolitics: Prices, Cycles, OPEC + Russia

On Thursdays: 11/26, 12/03, 12/10 and 12/17

Via Zoom, from 9 pm to 10:30 pm

GEPOM courses are taught in Portuguese.

Registration, prices and more information

by e-mail:

The course aims to present an overview of the history of oil as the main world energy source, including the creation of OPEC, tensions in the Middle East, Shale's discoveries in the United States and the Pre-Salt in Brazil. From an overview of global geopolitical issues, price cycles and energy security for producers and consumers, highlighting the importance of cooperation in the oil market between Saudi Arabia, Russia, the USA and China in a COVID scenario 19 and the effect of the recent American elections on the political scene in the Middle East.

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